The Human Condition by Andreas Tsiartas

The human body is function—
Unused, it falters, a tool left to rust.
The mind is creation, boundless and bright—
Neglected, it withers, a well run dry.
And the soul? The soul is love,
Dimmed when it does not give,
Burdened by its own unspent light.

Body, mind, and soul are threads
Of a single, inseparable tapestry.
The body grounds the mind’s dreams,
Bridging thought to the tangible world.
The mind, fed by the soul’s love,
Transforms it into acts of creation.

Together they move, imagine, and love—
An eternal harmony, each nourishing the whole.
To neglect one wounds all; to honor all awakens
The river of human potential,
Where love, creativity, and purpose flow as one.

To be human is to love,
In life and into eternity.

Andreas Tsiartas